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Cowboy Baby Daddy Page 2
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“This is why I never go anywhere far away.” Carl chuckled. “Let’s head to my truck.”
He motioned with his hand and walked toward the exit. I fell in behind him, rolling my suitcase.
“Could you cut this any closer?” he said.
“We got the reunion in three hours, bro,” Carl said. “You’re barely gonna have time to drop your things off, take a shower, and get presentable.”
“Sorry, it was hard to get the time off. This was the best I could do.”
“Yeah, and you’re flying out tomorrow.”
“Like I said—”
“Best you could do.” Carl shook his head. “Whatever. Guess the good thing is you’re here.” He grinned. “The whole gang: The Fabulous Five.”
I stared at him. “That’s still as weak as it was in high school.”
“Ouch, Alex.”
I grinned. “Just the truth.”
“Yeah, okay. Let’s just get to my truck, and you can catch me up on the Texas construction game.”
* * *
I ran a comb through my hair as I stared in the mirror. The dark suit I was wearing felt weird. I’d not worn something like this since my dad’s funeral, and it still clashed with my earrings. Didn’t mean I was about to pull them out.
No shame. No fear. I’d lived my life that way for a long time, and I wasn’t about to start just because of a high school reunion. I didn’t care what anyone in Livingston thought of me. It wasn’t like I’d see any of them again after the reunion.
I grunted. Why the hell had I even come? For Aspyn? We hadn’t talked in 10 years. I assumed she was married with her 2.5 kids. I’d had my chance, and I’d thrown it away.
I didn’t know. Maybe I was just looking for a little reminder of where I came from. This wasn’t about regret. It was about moving forward.
Stuck. That’s what I was. I liked my job and the guys I worked with, but I also wasn’t really friends with them. We didn’t hang out much. Nothing wrong with them. I just had trouble caring.
I glanced up at a clock on the wall. It was time to get going. The reunion had already technically started about 10 minutes ago. I wasn’t worried. My hotel was right across the street from the high school.
After taking a deep breath, I threw open the door of my hotel room and headed for the stairs.
A few minutes later, I arrived at the front door, where a smiling blonde woman in glasses grinned at me.
“Alex Kline,” she said, grinning like a fool. “It’s so good to see you again.” She reached over to the table and snatched up a preprinted nametag with my name on it. “Enjoy! Welcome back to the Class of ’08.”
“Thanks, uh, Mandy.”
She smiled even wider. To be honest, I didn’t recognize her at all. I didn’t think she realized I’d read her name off her tag.
Stepping into the gym, bright lights and Nirvana assaulted me, specifically “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” I grimaced, remembering the reunion had some sort of ‘80s-‘90s theme deal. It didn’t make sense to me, but it wasn’t like I’d helped organize it, so who was I to bitch?
Half the gym was filled with tablecloth-covered round tables surrounded by folding metal chairs. The other half had been cleared so people could dance, even though only about 10 people were bothering at the moment.
From what I could tell, looked like a good 60 or so people. Better turnout than I would have guessed.
At the other end of the gym, there was what I was interested in more than dancing: namely an open bar and the catering stations.
I’d taken a few steps when I spotted Carl and Joe. I waved to them. That’s when I saw her.
Aspyn. Damn.
It took me a few seconds to realize I was staring. She didn’t look the same as in high school. It’d been 10 years. She looked better; not just a girl anymore, but a woman.
The black dress she wore showed a lot of cleavage and made it clear that her breasts had only gotten better over the years. She’d cut her dark hair, but I decided I liked it better short than long.
The dress wasn’t that long. Even though she was sitting with her legs crossed, it still gave me a peek of those creamy thighs. That, combined with those great tits of hers, awakened my slumbering lower half, and I hardened.
I sucked in a breath. This wasn’t high school, so I shouldn’t have been acting like a horny teen.
Soon, everyone at the table was waving, and I hurried over.
The gang had all come, Aspyn, Carl, Joe, Perri, and me. A weird feeling of déjà vu passed through me, and for a quick second, I felt young again and full of hope.
“Hey,” I managed to say.
“There’s my bro,” Carl said.
Joe eyed me. “You look different.”
I grinned. “You look the same.”
Perri and Carl laughed at that.
Aspyn smiled warmly at me.
I dropped into a seat beside her, and my gaze flicked to her hand. No wedding ring.
Damn it. Why did she have to be even more beautiful? The whole point was to show up and move on, not get sucked back into stupid teen crushes from 10 years ago.
“It’s good to see you again, Alex,” she said quietly.
“Yeah, you too. Y’all being together is kind of freaky.”
Aspyn grinned. “Well, now we’re all together.”
“Yeah,” Carl said, “the Fab—”
The glares from the other four of us shut him up right quick.
“So, y’all were already here, but I think I need a drink,” I said.
“I think we all need a drink,” Aspyn said.
“Now we’re talking.”
* * *
An hour later, we’d reviewed the greatest hits of our high school life. I won’t lie. Lots of good memories there. Unlike a lot of people, high school was good to me, thanks to Aspyn and the others. It was what came later that wasn’t as good.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off Aspyn. Everything about her, her body, her smile, hell, even that damn strawberry scent from her shampoo kept calling to me. It was a good thing I spent most of that first hour sitting because my cock was straining against my slacks something fierce.
It was like the air crackled when I talked to her. Could it be one-sided? I didn’t want to believe that. I wanted to believe that when she smiled at my jokes or touched my hand, it meant something.
I needed to get it together. I wasn’t some confused kid in high school. I was a man, and I needed to make a move.
They say the Lord provides, and he certainly did that evening, because the music changed to a nice, slow song.
“Hey, let’s dance,” Perri said to Carl, a whine in her voice. “We’ve not danced at all.”
Carl nodded. “Okay, let’s do it.”
I glanced over at Aspyn. “Wanna dance?”
“You’re not gonna be pissed, are you, Joe?”
Joe smirked at me, a knowing gleam in his eye. “Nah, I actually have to get going. My wife’s on call tonight, and I need to go and watch the kids. Have fun, y’all.”
I walked over to give his hand a firm shake. “It was nice to see you again, Mr. Mayor.”
“Come by more than once every 10 years.” He nodded to everyone else and headed out.
Aspyn grabbed my hand. “Let’s hit the dance floor.”
Even though we’d missed the first minute of the song, she didn’t seem to care. We swayed to the music, my hands on her waist and her arms around my neck.
Her brown eyes were almost hypnotic. Every twitch of her mouth led my mind to places I wouldn’t have dared dream 10 years before.
I wasn’t going to lie to myself and pretend it was the booze’s fault. I’d wanted this woman for a long time. I’d just forgotten how badly I wanted her.
It was hard to touch her, be so close to her, her delicious body calling to my cock and her radiant smile calling to my heart, and not kiss her.
This fire had to be real.
There’s no way in hell she didn’t feel it too.
Perri and Carl walked up to us, hand in hand.
“Hey, we’re gonna head out for now,” Perri said, blushing.
I eyed Carl, and he shrugged, a vague smirk on his face. From what he’d told me in his emails, he and Perri couldn’t decide whether they were meant for each other or just good for rebounds, but, hey, a man has needs, and she didn’t seem to have a problem with it.
“See you later,” Aspyn said.
“Yeah, it was good seeing you again, Perri.”
Still red-faced, she giggled and then tugged on Carl’s hand. They all but jogged to the door.
“Wanna bail too?” I asked.
“No, no, no. I’m glad to spend time with you. It’s been 10 years. I want to keep hanging out and catching up.”
It was time to take a chance.
I leaned over to whisper in her ear. “How about we bail over to my hotel room across the street?”
Aspyn’s eyes widened.
I waited, my heart thundering. Maybe I’d been too aggressive, but there was no way I could pass up this chance. Even if it was just one night of fun, at least it’d be a damn good memory.
“Okay,” she said softly. “Let’s go.”
Chapter 3
I did my best not to laugh like a happy maniac on our way to Alex’s hotel. When I’d first heard about the reunion, I’d thought he might come back and maybe we’d chat about old times. I believed, at most, I’d get a peck on the cheek. I never dreamed I’d end up alone with him in his hotel room.
I’d certainly never believed I’d be able to sleep with him. Talk about all my dreams coming true.
I licked my lips in anticipation of my eyes feasting on the muscles I was sure were being covered by his suit jacket.
Crap. If he had to go somewhere for protection, he might not be in the mood by the time he got back. With the aid of the alcohol haze still in my mind, I found the bravery to be blunt.
“I’m on the pill,” I blurted out as we arrived at the door to his hotel room. “Just thought you should know. In case, well, you know.”
My cheeks burned as I suddenly realized I was assuming way too much. I wasn’t sure Alex wanted to sleep with me, and there I was, assuming I was such a hot thing that of course my old crush wanted to sleep with me. That said, I’d gone to the trouble to buy this sexy as hell dress for him.
Delusion or hope? Didn’t know. Didn’t care. All I cared about was how he might respond.
I watched him, breathless, waiting for his reaction. His next words could destroy me or send me to heaven.
“Good,” Alex said, pressing his keycard against the lock. It opened with a click. “That means I don’t have to go buy anything.” He grinned, opened the door, and then motioned for me to enter.
I stepped inside, suddenly nervous. I took a few deep breaths. Alex had left Livingston and gone to college. Who knew how many women he’d slept with? He might be some sort of sexual master now. I wasn’t a virgin, but it wasn’t like my dating pool was huge in Livingston.
I let out a breath I didn’t even know I’d been holding. It was finally going to happen.
His gray eyes stared into me as if piercing my very soul. I liked this new Alex with his piercings and the tattoos. I’d only seen the barest hints peeking out from under his shirt.
This new Alex was rawer than the boy I remembered. He was a man now. More real.
“Do you want this, Aspyn?” he said, his voice almost a growl. “Do you want me?”
“God, yes. I’ve wanted you for over 10 years.”
Our mouths crashed together. His eager tongue parted my lips and invaded my mouth. I threw my hands around his neck as our tongues swirled and twined inside my mouth.
My breasts rubbed against his chest, the layers of clothing between us keeping me from feeling his chest skin to skin.
His hands dropped to my ass and squeezed. I moaned into his mouth. I dropped a hand to his ass to squeeze. Wow. It was definitely a nice, firm ass.
Our tongues continued their dance, and Alex moved forward, pushing me toward his bed. I didn’t resist. Soon, my legs hit the bed, and I let him guide me down. He knelt beside me, staring down at me with lust burning in his eyes.
His mouth still on mine, his hand slid underneath the front of my dress to squeeze my breast. I sucked in a breath and let out a moan. He kneaded my mound for a few moments before slipping his hand out and pulling away from me.
I was about to complain when I saw him pull off his jacket and toss it to the floor. His tie followed. It took far too long for him to unbutton his shirt and remove that.
At this point, my brain kicked back on, and I kicked off my heels before hopping to my feet to pull off my dress. In what was probably record time, we both stood next to the bed naked.
I licked my lips and took a moment to appreciate the art all over his body. Colorful tribal bands on one arm, a dragon on the other. The designs extended from his arms to the center of his chest.
Alex ripped the blanket off the bed and tossed it to the ground.
My center pulsed with warmth. I’d already had his mouth on mine and his hands on me, and I needed more. Ached for more.
I drank in the sight of his toned body. It was just like in high school, like a lithe, muscular statue, firm muscles all over. In school, it’d been from swimming, but now I suspected it was from working construction.
His gaze roamed my body, the hunger there making me even wetter. Alex Kline wanted me, wanted my body, and I wanted to give it to him just as badly.
Alex stalked over to me and pushed me gently down on the bed.
“Scoot up more,” he said, his voice commanding.
I crawled up a bit more.
Alex grinned and then reached over to trail a hand over my breast, just skimming the side, and then down my stomach to my belly button ring. He flicked it once before his hand moved even lower.
My breathing grew heavy in anticipation as his hand finally reached my most intimate parts. He parted my folds with a finger, and I let out a quiet moan at the intrusion.
Alex didn’t enter me right away. Instead, he trailed his finger along my seam up to my clit. He circled my clit with his thumb, and I let out another moan, this time louder, the pressure inside of me starting to build.
A good long while passed as he worked on my clit, toying, circling, flicking gently. I had half-closed my eyes, so it was a big surprise when I felt his finger slip inside me.
“Oh, yes,” I moaned.
Alex pushed in slowly and then pulled out several times, coating himself with my juices. Then, he added a second finger, and when he pushed in this time, he kept this thumb up. He bumped my clit with the end of the push, adding an extra jolt to every thrust.
Another slide in and out and followed, slightly faster and then even faster. He had a good rhythm now as he fucked me with his fingers.
My toes curled as the warmth continued to seep from my center. I reached up to fondle my breasts and tweak my nipples.
Oh, too much. Just too much.
Alex increased his pace, still pounding into me with his fingers, and his thumb not leaving my clit behind. I was tight around even his fingers. It’d been a while since I’d had sex, but not so long I didn’t realize how good this man was with his hand.
“Alex,” I moaned loudly, continuing to work on my breasts as he pleasured me below.
He now shoved his fingers so hard and fast a worry about his wrist popped up in the back of my mind, but the cloud of pleasure overwhelming my brain smothered it.
I cried out as my pussy tightened around his fingers, my orgasmic explosion coursing through me. My breath caught as I rode the waves of my orgasm, my entire body shaking.
It took me a few seconds to realize his hand had left me. The glow of the orgasm was fading but not totally gone.
That’s when he stood, and I licked my lips at the sight of his thick cock jutting out. My pussy twi
No joke, I’d dreamed about this moment and what he might look like down there. Dreamed about what it’d feel to have him inside me.
First, I’d wondered what it’d be like to give up my virginity to Alex, but that boat had long since sailed, but I still had thought about us together, moaning and coming.
Alex had pleasured me with his hands, made me come harder than I had in a while, but now we’d both get to experience ecstasy. Just the fact I could make him so hard sent another zing to my center.
“Roll over,” he said, his voice gruff.
I complied, getting on my knees and lifting my ass in the air.
He brushed my wet pussy with his tip for a few seconds before shoving in.
A gasp escaped my lips. Even though he’d just finger-fucked me to orgasm, those two fingers were not the same thing as the thick shaft now entering me. He inched in, slowly, stretching my tight walls. My hands curled into fists, and my breathing turned ragged.
Farther. Deeper. Fuller. Oh, it was even better than I’d dreamed. Finally, he lay fully seated inside me, his cock twitching.
“Oh, Alex,” I moaned.
“Are you ready for me, Aspyn?”
“Yes, oh, yes,” I cried.
He rocked back once and slammed into me in one smooth motion. It might have hurt had I not already been so wet from my first orgasm. The next few times helped stretch me to the point there was nothing left but the pleasure.
Alex Kline was fucking me, and each thrust shot a pleasurable fire to my center. It was almost too much for me to handle. My hands fisted the sheet beneath us as he slammed into me, now picking up his pace.
I heard his breathing turn heavy, even over my panting. The slap of his body against mine mingled with the other sounds.
Alex shifted position slightly and then started hammering into me. I could only get out a few strangled moans as the waves of pleasures overlapped and built on each other.
No thinking remained. I could barely even remember at this point that I was having sex with Alex and this wasn’t some nighttime fantasy. Every part of my body tingled with heat. My center was overloaded with pressure, and another climax was coming soon.